Some of you may remember that almost a year ago, I broke my ankle hiking on a nearby trail. We've been hiking since that day, but have never gone back to the place where all the fun happened. Well, Tuesday was such a nice day, and Greazy was available, so we went for a hike in the late afternoon, back to Kelly's Run.
I tried not to think about it, as we started our trek. We decided to start in reverse and take the steep incline down instead of up. When we came to the trail that cuts through a field, I impressed Greazy by not even hesitating a second when he asked what the crop was that surrounded us. Soybeans. Damn, I am good.
When we got to the creek, we took the trail along the water and soon enough, we were getting close to the spot where I took my tumble. My stomach tightened, and my heart was pounding. Not just your garden variety exercise pounding either. It felt like you could see my heartbeat. I got a little dizzy as the rock that broke my fall (and presumably my leg) came into view. It was covered by a broken sapling from a recent storm, but I knew it was there. The trail was still as narrow as ever, just as easy to slip and fall. But, I made it through.
It was strange. I've never really had a panic attack before, but I'm pretty sure this was it. Not quite fear, not quite anxiety but something in between. It sucked. Hopefully, when we go back again, it won't happen. Now that I've conquered "The Run" I'm ready for new trails. And, hopefully another 30 years before I break anything else.