There is a feature on Slate where they compile the crazy things President Bush says, and call them Bushisms.
So, my co-workers say some dumb shit sometimes, so I've compiled a few gems, and thought I'd share with you.
"Something's happening somewhere out there."
--co-workers proclamation about the day, after looking out the window
"Maybe we could unplug it for an hour and then turn it back on."
--a suggestion on how to fix a time difference on a credit card machine
"Are they going to give us money so we can throw our own party?"
--upon hearing that the holiday party was cancelled due to budget concerns
"The memo says the whole system is down, is your computer working?"
--I can't even explain this one
"I can't remember, I wrote it down, but I don't know what I did with the reminder."
--again, no explanation
These are just a few of the idiotic things I listen to everyday, feel free to share yours.
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