Monday, June 04, 2007

My New Obsession

This weekend my sister accused me of only watching television programs that feature guys that I find hot. I had to admit, she had a point. With out Don Eppes, I'm not watching Numb3rs. Without Nick, there is no CSI.

So, maybe I'm a one trick pony. I can live with that. But, it's not the only thing I look for in a show. I mean, I like Matthew Fox, but all the shirtless-on-the-beach shots in the world won't get me to watch Lost. But, I must admit that my new favorite show does feature some hunky goodness, in the form of one Mr. Bear Grylls. The show is Man Vs. Wild, on the Discovery Channel.

First, the guy's name is Bear (it's actually Edward.) He was in the British Special Forces, and has climbed Mount Everest. Now, he does a show where he shows you how to get out of dangerous places and situations that the everyday Joe might find themselves in. Trapped in the Rockies? Trapped on an island? Take a wrong turn in the rainforest? No problem. Bear knows the way out, and he wants you to know too.

To be fair, I couldn't do 99% of the crap he can do, but that isn't why I watch. I'm watching for one reason. Naked Push-ups. When Bear was trapped in the Alps, he was kind enough to show everyone what to do when you fall through thin ice. Of course, after he got out of that cold water, his wet clothes made him more vulnerable to hypothermia. So, he had to get out of them quickly. And, in order to restore blood flow, well, what works better than push-ups? But, don't take my word for it, see for yourself.

See? Brilliant. If loving Bear is wrong, I don't want to be right. Check out the show, you won't be sorry. New episodes start June 15th.

1 comment:

princess1128 said...

"If loving Bear is wrong I don't want to be right." You're too funny. I did appreciate the naked push-up bit though. Thanks for that!!!