Monday, February 25, 2008

Is it Just Me?

After reading this article, I got to thinking. With all the diseases that are being researched and all the funding that is available, why is it that the only things we seem to be able to fix are guy's problems. First it was Erectile Dysfunction, and I'm sure we're all glad that Ditka can get it up again. Now baldness. I'm not saying good work isn't done every day for a variety of things, but come on.

Are baldness and limpness so much easier to ease than say menstrual cramps, breast cancer, cellulite and the symptoms of menopause? Or is it just that you know when you crack the baldness thing, sales will skyrocket because of all the vain, newly rigid men out there looking to score, and think hair is all they need to close the deal?

I'm just saying, throw us ladies a bone. Give us something. A period four times a year, cool. What else you got?

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