Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Official: The World is Going to Hell

Pregnancy pacts?

Suing your Dad over getting grounded?

I know this makes me sound old and bitter, but what the fuck is wrong with kids today? Seriously. It is scary. More scary is the fact that no one wants to step up and admit that there seems to be a real parenting problem these days. Now, I'm not of the mind that it is always the parent's fault. But, in the case of 17 girls, all under sixteen years, old making a pact to get pregnant and NO ONE KNOWS? There were less people in on the Kennedy assassination, and we all know about that. How can you have your head that far in the sand? How can you honestly try and blame the media?

It is just sheer laziness on the part of the parents. If you don't want to be a parent, don't. But, if you are, sorry, but game over. You are not their friend, you are not cool. YOU ARE THE FUCKING PARENT. Start acting like it. Then, just maybe, you won't end up raising your own grandchildren because you couldn't say no to little Suzy.

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