Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stimulate Me

Sometimes, I feel responsible for this whole economic crisis. After all, it was Greazy and I who spent our "stimulus" money in Australia, instead of here at home. Is that wrong? But, now I hear they want to do it all again. Give us more money.

I'd like to say I'll spend all that cash here, but then I read this. Turns out, the Aussie dollar is back in the crapper, and the exchange rate is quickly plummeting. Which means, if I take that new "stimulus" money over there, it would go a lot further this time.

What is a girl to do? 60 cents on the dollar is really too good to pass up. And, let's face it. We're going to hell here anyway, don't we deserve another vacation?

1 comment:

Greazy Tony said...

yes. yes we do. If we find a bargin flight I say we do it!