I encounter crazy people everyday. And, yesterday, I met a woman who took the cake. While being forced to help her, she started talking to me. In the process of the conversation, she mentioned that she had a new car, but she couldn't figure out where the air conditioning was, and how to turn it on. One of the men in the building offered to help her, and of course she jumped at the chance, since it was about 90 degrees outside.
Why is it that men fall for these stupid, or stupid-acting, women who can't seem to do anything for themselves? Could be I'm just jealous. Because I don't do this. So that means I'm stuck opening my own doors, carrying my own boxes, and yes, finding my own air conditioning. But, men are only too willing to aid these women, because most of the time they are attractive, and let's face it, not very bright. A tempting treat to most guys looking to score, or at least get a cheap ogle. Men always use the excuse that they are "just trying to be helpful", but if that were the case, their charity would be far more universal. But, as most women can tell you, that is not the case.
Now, I know not ever girl who does this is stupid. It is the height of manipulation to use your "charms" to get what you want when you know that people, men in particular, will fulfill your every request because you are semi-hot. And, to those women I say, shame on you. May you all have to live as a average woman for one day of your life, and do your own bidding.
But, this woman I encountered was truly stupid. Come on, not knowing how to turn on a car air conditioner? That is a new all time low for helplessness. In nature, she would be killed next to the watering hole by the hungry lion. But, in our society, she will get by, will the help of others. While not attractive, per se, she does possess the winning combo of thin and blonde that will no doubt carry her straight through life, unscathed.
And, before you tell me I'm just a fat, ugly, bitter, old hag; let me just say to you. . .I am not old.
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