Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I Need an Enabler

One of my favorite shows on TV is American Dad. Busted on for being a Family Guy rip off, I find it not only entertaining, but topical. This week's episode spoke to me on a personal level. The resident alien Roger, was being told to change his ways to be more nice. The quote that said it all for me was this.

"Roger, is being nice killing you?"

"My people need to let our bitchiness out, otherwise it turns to bile and poisons us."

After two bouts of sickness recently, I am beginning to feel like I am being poisoned by my life. The stress, the bullshit, the unmitigated stupidity I am confronted with every day, all of which I must suffer with a smile, is turning my insides to bile. And, it is poisoning me. I really, honest to god, don't know how people do it. All I know is, something has got to change or I am liable to fade faster than my latest hair color. I need help, and hopefully somewhere out there, I will find it. Until then, I need to find someone to tell me it's okay, to tell me that I can let my bitchiness out. Let my freak flag fly. If you are out there, let me know. I'm accepting applications.


mad scientist said...

I feel your pain. Let it out. It feels much beetter, but be prepared for the team building that follows.

mad scientist said...
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mad scientist said...

I say...let it out!! I will coach you through the HR visit that results and the follow up team building activity.

princess1128 said...

I find that being able to curse at work helps release some of my bile. I'm still angry most of the time but I think the cursing helps. That and all the sexual harrassing that we do to each other - it breaks the tension.