Monday, May 05, 2008

I Ain't No Damsel in Distress

But, don't I wish I were, sometimes. Not that I mind being an independent lady. But, there are limits, aren't there? Why am I always the one doing the heavy lifting when there are no men around? Why am I left to fend for myself, just because I can hold my liquor? Just because I'm not puking my guts out doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to have a hand to hold while I stumble to my car. Just because I CAN walk a mile and a half on a broken leg, doesn't mean I wouldn't like someone to carry me.

I've just never been that kind of girl. And, the truth is I don't really know why. I'm not that man-ish. I'm not dainty, but then again, I don't really know any dainty women. Every chick I know could handle herself 9 times out of 10. So why is it that the chivalry of those around me is wasted on incompetent, silly girls? Don't us ladies who can actually handle things deserve a break every now and then? Come on guys, show us some love. Leave the silly girls to their own devices for once, and hold the door for me. I won't puke on your shoes, or leave you holding my purse when I'm done.

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