Thursday, February 09, 2006

Early Dismissal

It is a great feeling, getting to leave work early, when everyone else has to stay. Due to my schedule, I get to do it about once every two weeks, and I have to tell you, it feels phenomenal. Everyone seems to get so pissed off that I have to leave, because then they actually have to do work. See, being a grunt, low man on the totem pole, schmendrick, whatever you want to call it, I get stuck doing a lot of shit that other people could easily do themselves. So, for a little while at least, they are stuck having to do the shit work all by their lonesome. It is so nice. I get to go home, eat a snack, have a nap, watch some television, whatever. And, every now and then I look at the clock and think, "Ha Ha, they still have to work for another two hours."

Maybe the paperboy is right, maybe I am just a mean old lady - Sophia, Golden Girls

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