Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Challenge

I was catching up with an old friend tonight, and we got to talking about picking our favorite albums, and how impossible it always seems. I have always put people off when they ask me this kind of stuff with my ever popular "I just like too much shit to pick." Well, he has thrown down the gauntlet, and I am to come up with my Top 25 albums, so we'll see how it goes. I need some time to prepare, but it should be coming soon. I don't like to think too much on these things. I just let it kind of happen, as I feel it. If I'm honest with myself, I know the albums that I like the best. They may not be on the Rolling Stone or Spin "Top any-fucking-thing-we-can-think-of list", but they are mine.

So, okay Croom. You want answers? Let's see if you can handle the truth. I shall be expecting your list as well. (Although, I'll let you slide on time due to the baby and all)

*Apparently, people seem to think I go to a lot of concerts. So, why not a couple more? She Wants Revenge on July 13 and the Waifs on August 3.

*13 shows in one year's time too much? NEVER!!

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