Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lifetime of Disappointment

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I have been sucked into the Lifetime series Sideorder of Life. It follows Jenny, as she starts kicking ass at work, and leaves her man. Overall it is a good series, but it suffers from an all-too-common ailment. That being that the main character is kind of whiny and annoying.
Jenny is a skinny, blonde bitch who doesn't really make me want to like her. On the flip side, her best friend is the overweight and funny Vivy, who really should be the focal point of the show.

We've seen this a thousand times, most recently with the popular Grey's Anatomy. Am I the only one who wished Meredith had drowned in the ferry accident, or finds her co-stars Callie, Izzy and Cristina much more interesting? I can only hope this season McDreamy sleeps with her sister, and she clears her throat and stops talking like that.

As for Side Order of Life, I am still interested as to who she is talking to on the phone, and what will happen with her cancer stricken friend, so I will keep watching. But just once, I'd like to see the main character be someone I actually care about, and not just some blonde who looks good.

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